Project Steering Committee
The PSC will be chaired by Principal Secretary of PM office. It will consist of the following members:
- Principal Secretary, Prime Minister’s Office
- Executive Chairman, BEZA
- Executive Memeber (Planning and Development), BEZA
- Director General-1, Prime Minister’s Offfice
- General Manager, Planning & Development, BEZA
- Representative of Planning Commission (respective sector, not below the rank of Joint Chief)
- Representative of Proramming Division (not below the rank of Joint Chief)
- Representative of IMED (not below the rank of Director General)
- Representative of ERD (not below the rank of Joint Secretary)
- Representative of General Economic Division (GED)
- Representative of NEC-ECNEC of Planning Division
- Representative of Finance Division (not below the rank of Joint Secretary)
- Manager (MIS and Research), BEZA
- Project Director of the project
- Director-1, PMO (will act as Member-Secretary of the committee)
The main responsibilities o the PSC will be as follows:
- review the implementation status of the projecct in accordance with the DPP and gives guidelines;
- provide guideline for timely implementation of the project;
- give decision for coordination and information sharing among all relevant ministries and agencies;
- suggest policy decision to manage risks of the projects;
- the committee may copt member, if necessary.